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"The glory of kings to search things out."

Hey there!

I figured it would be a good idea to set the tone for this collection of thoughts before diving right in to the content. I have always been a big believer in understanding context, especially when looking to understand scripture.

There has been a common belief in the world that it is not necessary to seek what the author of a work of literature originally meant, but it is enough to know what the text means to you. I would like to use this space to contradict that particular belief.

If you were to write a letter to a friend, there is a message you would like to convey. If they read into the letter whatever they wanted then that could lead to outcomes in the friendship that you had not intended.

It is the same for Scripture. The Creator of Heaven and Earth cared enough to give us a collection of 66 books spread across 1500 years written by 40 men that tells consistently and with unparalleled continuity of the Lord's character and His plan for the redemption of His people, from the first prophecy of Christ in Genesis 3:15 to the final chapter of life as we know it in Revelation 22.

This beautifully intricate tapestry of the story of history was written for the explicit purpose of allowing us to know and draw close to the Father who created us and to bring Glory to Him who deserves it far above all others. Proverbs 25:2 is one of my favorite verses in scripture and it states "It is the Glory of God to conceal things, but the glory of kings is to search things out." There is no way for us to comprehend God in His entirety. He is far too glorious and wonderful for our mortal minds to grasp (Isaiah 55:8-9) but, one of the most loving things He has done for us (in my opinion) is allow us a way to see a glimpse of his back as Moses did (Exodus 33:17-23). Our Father wants us to know Him and to "search things out". It delights Him when His children know more of Him, in the same way it delights our earthly fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters, friends when we take the time to know them as they truly are, not as we idealize them to be.

The goal of the thoughts I am going to document on this page is first and foremost to glorify God in my pursuit of knowing Him more deeply and intimately. Secondly, if my ramblings can point anyone to the true Gospel of Christ, to expose our true and deep need for the Savior, to lay bare any misconceptions of the sufficiency and necessity of Scripture, then I would give thanks all the more for the Grace of our Lord.I am excited to begin to "search things out"!

Thank you,

Rachel Loe


About Me


I am looking to dive into the Word daily. Understanding that I have so much to learn, but enjoying getting to "search things out" to the Glory of God. 


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